myRo P7
Cyber Security and Information Awareness: With the Serious Game myRo P7 you can immediately ensure more security in your company. Because with the security awareness training myRo P7, your employees will quickly acquire the decisive competence to act.
My Responsibilites
I joined Fabula Games when they were mainly working on myRo P7. After a while I took over the project as Production Manager and Lead Programmer / Lead Game Designer.
Although I didn’t have much to do with the basic game design, I designed each of the 5 chapters / levels of myRo P7 with this game design in mind. The game was programmed with VTS, a visual scripting engine. In that sense I didn’t do any actual programming, but visual scripting with variable nodes, interaction nodes and so on.
In addition, in consultation with the product owner, I continued and completed the story and also wrote all the dialogs for it.
I also coordinated the work with an internal graphic designer and an external graphic designer and took care of the selection of music and sound effects myself.
Game created by Fabula Games